A failsafe cleaning and disinfection protocol is essential for effective infection prevention and control in a veterinary setting. The best disinfection regimes are ones that are easy to understand, execute and repeat day after day – regardless of who is performing the task.
Without the correct product, an effective process, or proper application, you could be leaving your clinic at risk of spreading disease amongst your patients.
Here are three key questions you should consider when it comes to your veterinary clinic’s disinfection protocol.
Are you using the best product?
There are countless disinfection products available to purchase. These include bleach, ammonia, and products based on alcohol, phenols, or aldehydes. While many of these products may be effective as a cleaner or disinfectant in some circumstances, they can actually be quite harmful to both your staff and animals.
That’s why the Safe4 disinfectant cleaner was developed as an alternative to these products. The founders of Safe4 worked for many years to formulate a cost-effective disinfectant cleaner that was completely safe for staff and the animals in their care, but still highly effective against harmful viruses and bacteria.
Safe4 is non-toxic, non-staining and a non-irritant, so you can use it with confidence on all hard surfaces throughout your clinic. Its effectiveness has also been thoroughly tested – and proven – against a range of viruses, bacteria, and fungi, including parvovirus, coronavirus, kennel cough, FIV, E-coli, and MRSA.
Are you cleaning before disinfecting?
While you don’t need to thoroughly clean your hard surfaces before using a disinfectant, for the best results, we recommend that you use hot soapy water first to remove grease, food, or dirt. When it comes to your flooring, a quick sweep with a broom before mopping with disinfectant will ensure any organic matter or dirt is removed.
Are you diluting your disinfectant correctly?
It’s not a case of “the more the better” when it comes to disinfectant. Like any chemical, the dilution of any veterinary disinfectant cleaner is an exact science. Dilute it with too much water and you may minimise its effectiveness. Not enough dilution could result in a solution that is too concentrated and may irritate your staff’s skin or throat.
When you purchase Safe4 disinfectant you are provided with a handy dilution guide that will ensure you achieve the perfect solution for every application in your veterinary clinic. This guide also includes the minimum contact time required after application for the disinfectant to become effective.
Here’s a condensed dilution guide below:
Organisms | Safe4 Dilution | Minimum Contact Time |
Viruses (e.g. FIV) | 1:100 water | 5 minutes |
Fungi (e.g. Candida albicans) | 1:100 water | 15 minutes |
Bacteria (e.g. Kennel cough) | 1:100 water | 30 minutes |
Coronavirus | 1:50 water | 5 minutes |
Parvovirus | 1:100 water | 15 minutes |
If you have any questions about disinfecting your veterinary clinic, give us a call on 1300 661 821 or email info@safe4-aust.bingobango.com.au.
Try Safe4 on us
We truly believe, along with our long list of customers, that Safe4 is the best – and most cost-effective – disinfectant available for the veterinary and animal care sectors.
And to give you the chance to try our non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-staining formulation, we are happy to send you a sample of our disinfectant, free of charge.
Simply send us an email with your postal address (Australia-only sorry!), and we’ll send out a sample for you to try. We guarantee you’ll be impressed!